

Youth today are bombarded with cultural pressures and expectations. Here at KCC, youth can find a community that cares about the joy they experience in their lives every day. We believe that complete and ultimate joy is found in knowing Jesus and treasuring him.

How We Experience God


Through Reading the Bible


Through Building Community


Through Sharing Joy

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.


Youth Leadership


Topher Dekdeken

After graduating from KCS, Moanalua High School, and UH-Manoa, Topher served in ministry roles across several states, including with the River of Life Mission. Now back at KCC, his aim is to nurture servant leaders who love Jesus and others.

Email Topher!


Megan Amodo

Megan is a big fan of anime and letsplays. If she isn't nerding out, you'll find her enjoying a book at a local coffee shop. She has grown up in KCC and now works as the Youth Coordinator and is the creative genius for our youth ministry.

Email Megan!


Sabrina Young

Sabrina is a 2019 UH Mānoa grad and InterVarsity Alum. She loves making and consuming boba, playing volleyball (to work off the boba), and budgeting (so I don't go broke via boba). She also loves building communities that seek and love Jesus.

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