1 John 1:3 "We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the father and His son, Jesus Christ."
Our vision is to see everyone connected in the intentional community that's experienced through ohana groups. This is where we live out our lives in a personal way with others, and how we spur one another on to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24).
Ohana Groups can connect you, strengthen your faith, and encourage you through prayer, Bible Study, and even like-minded interests and phases of life. These groups create a space for friendships where you can talk personally and apply the Bible practically in your life. Ohana groups at Kaimuki Christian Church (KCC) are reflective of the diversity of both our church family and our island culture. But most of all, ohana groups are where we can live out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-39). These two directives are found in our mission statement: To glorify God by making disciples who love God passionately and their neighbor as themselves.
Join an ohana group today and get connected so you can live and love like Jesus. There's an ohana group waiting for you!
Young Families
Ohana Groups
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Format: In Person (2nd & 4th Sunday of the month), Room M204
Leaders: Pam & Josh Yee
Contact: Request to join.
Current Topic: Sermon Discussion
Ohana Groups
Coed groups are for all seasons of life including married, single, single again, kids (with a variety of ages!) or no kids -- connect with others and grow in your faith in a multi-generational, coed ohana group, and learn from all stages of life!
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Format: In Person (weekly), Room G209
Leaders: Carol Rumford
Contact: Request to join.
Current Topic: The Bible Jesus Read by Philip Yancey
Ohana Groups
A sisterhood of women growing together in the Lord.
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Ohana Groups
Men of the Lord growing together in God's love.
Slide to the right to view all days
Format: Online
Leaders: Nofo Eletise
Contact: Request to join.
Current Topic: Connection through text messaging and daily Bible reading.Young AdultS
Ohana Groups
Groups for college/early career to gather and go deeper in God's word.
Wednesday 6:30pm (Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of month)
Format: In Person, Fellowship Hall
Leader: Topher Dekdeken
Contact: Request to join.
Current Topic: 1 Corinthians
Ohana Groups
Wednesday 6:00pm
Format: In Person, Room G201
Leader: Linda Mitsuda
Contact: Request to join.
Current Topic: Navigating through the loss of a loved one with supportive group discussions
Ohana Groups
A support group for those undergoing hurt or habits
Wednesday 6:00pm
Format: In Person, Room G208
Leader: Greig Porter
Contact: Request to join.
Current Topic: Celebrate Recovery Material